Setting Up The Guest Room No One Would Want To Leave

You have friends coming to stay with you, and that means it’s time to move piles of flotsam and jetsam out of the storage  guest room and try to make it habitable for guests. All they really need, of course, is a bed to sleep on, but wouldn’t it be nice to create a heavenly haven that they’ll never want to leave? Here’s how to do just that.

Consider a New Mattress

If the bed in your guest room is a back-breaking castoff from 1975, or if the couch folds out into a bed with a paper-thin mattress that creaks and squeaks with every movement, consider getting a new bed for the guest room.

According to Morris Home Furnishings, which operates in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky, adjustable beds are the bee’s knees. They help prevent snoring and acid reflux, make it easier for those with allergies to breathe, and lend themselves nicely to reading in bed or surfing the Web.

Don’t skimp on the Sheets (or pillows!)

Whether you get a new bed or use what you have, make sure to cover the mattress in high-thread count, 100 percent cotton sheets for ultimate softness and comfort. Find a lovely, thick duvet made of cotton, and pile on a lot of fluffy, comfy pillows. Make sure to launder the new bedding before you use it to soften it up and eliminate that new fabric smell.

Hang Some Robes Up

According to InStyle, house guests rarely pack their robes, and everyone appreciates having a robe when they’re away from home. Look for high-quality cotton robes, either in white or a color or pattern that matches the room. Hang them on a couple of ceramic or metal hooks on the wall or door.

Stock the Room with Accoutrements 

A few nice touches in the guest room will really make your guests feel at home, and they’ll appreciate the effort you put into making them feel welcome. Stack some interesting coffee table books and current issues of magazines on the nightstands. Supply an alarm clock, but make sure it’s not one that ticks audibly. Hang a full-length mirror somewhere in the room, and place a smaller mirror over the dresser so that your guests can check their visage before emerging for a day of activities. On the day your guests arrive, put a bouquet of fresh-cut, fragrant flowers on the dresser or night stand to dress up the room and help freshen the air.

Provide Extra Blankets and Clean Towels

Find a big basket that can sit on the floor, and fill it with fluffy cotton towels for showers and a couple of extra blankets in case your guests get chilly at night. Provide a laundry hamper as well, especially if your guests will be with you for more than a night or two.

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