How Can Building Inspection Help Your Chances Of A Faster Property Sale

Inspection of a property before you put it on the market can actually work to maximum advantage in selling the property faster. While commonly misconstrued as predominantly one of the buyer’s tools, building inspection reports are actually more conducive to sellers than you imagine because they actually allow the buyers to have a glimpse of the pros and cons of the property right off the bat. In fact, smart buyers will always insist on an inspection report invariably before they commit to the purchase of the property. So having an inspection organised beforehand, is just good sense. Having said that, here is a balanced view about how exactly a building inspection report work to your advantage as a seller.

Clear report of structural issues

When you get your property inspected from a quality building inspections Newcastle surveyor, you will have a clear report that outlines the structural issues with your property. In many cases, this can actually give you a viable idea of the USP of your property so you can work to your advantage when negotiating a sale contract with a buyer. 

Superficial damage issues 

The building inspection report will also give you a clear view of the superficial damages with the property. The repair work for these damages can be addressed at a low cost. It will also help you increase the viability of your property so you can raise the list price accordingly. It will also put a better first impression on your prospective buyers, thus directly increase your chances of selling the property faster.

Critical HVAC and plumbing issues

Critical issues with the HVAC or plumbing can cost higher to be repaired. However, in some cases, buyers might insist on these repairs themselves while expecting the sellers to reimburse them for the repairs. If however, you handle the repair work yourself, you can negotiate a cost-efficient deal with proper contractors which will help you turn your property sale for a maximum profit.

Pest infestations

Some issues with the property are always non-negotiable. If your property is infested with pests, you need to get to the damage control sooner than later. For extensive infestations, sellers have also been known to raze down the structure while negotiating the price of the land as the major property for sale. However, to take such a decision you need to know the extent of the infestation damages and the inspection report provides you with proper clarity on the subject.

Avoid relisting

When you address the property issues before a sale negotiation, there are lesser chances of a contract falling through due to which your property might need to be relisted on the market. Relisted properties have a lesser chance of sale because most buyers figure that the property might have some extensive issues which are preventing the sale from going through. Address these issues before the contract to avoid multiple relisting and ensuing bad impression for your property.

Thus building inspection reports can actually boost the cohesive negotiation of the property contract. You should get your inspection done from a high-quality surveyor to make sure an in-depth analysis of your property and proper accuracy of the final report.

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