Four Important Factors When Looking For New Offices

Get office space right and the results are happy clients, happy staff and happy balance sheets. But get it wrong and it is a very different story. Taking the time to research potential properties and compare what’s on offer is essential in order to secure what your business needs.

  A place to do business

As much as office space has to work for the staff, it also needs to operate as a place where deals are brokered and money is made. So even if rarely used, choosing office space that can hold meetings on a larger scale can avoid the stress of having to find an alternative when required.

You may want to consider an office suite in a larger building that boasts shared conference facilities. Just make sure you are aware of the specifics involved in addition to the frequency of usage attached to the rooms; you don’t want to end up paying extra for a service you are unable to use.

 Location matters

There is little point in securing top quality office space if it is let down by its surroundings. The precise demands are business dependent, of course, but prioritising proximity for both staff and clients can work wonders when it comes to productivity and turnover. In fact, retaining top quality employees can be made easier if their commute is a manageable one.

Looking closely at other businesses in the locale is also a must. Are they in keeping with your corporate image, or are they companies you would rather not be associated with? Lastly, it is advisable to consider the wider area. Being situated near comfortable overnight accommodation, quality eating establishments and essential shopping areas can please both clients and employees alike.

The little extras

Too often, business owners are stung by hidden costs attached to office space, such as parking. Ideally, there will be a certain number of spaces exclusively allocated to the office space available, but occasionally, this is far from the ideal situation.

The same sometimes goes for the internet and other utilities. You must therefore ask if these are included in the rental agreement or whether they incur extra cost. Asking the pertinent questions before committing to taking on office space is essential in order to avoid disappointment.

 The price is right

When all of the above points are considered, it must be decided whether the price is fair for the office space on offer. The premises may be in a desirable location but lack parking facilities. Perhaps it comes staffed with parking attendants but no meeting rooms.

Furthermore, you should be thinking optimistically and considering the growth of your business. Will the office space selected be able to accommodate future plans? If not, investigating the possibility of a short term lease may be necessary.

It goes without saying that reading the details of the lease is a necessity. But if you are clear about the exact type of space you need, there is no reason why the right premises will not come your way.